FTP by definition uses the TCP transport protocol exclusively and doesn’t use the UDP for its transport purposes. Usually, an application layer protocol will use one or the other. One important...
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FTP Client Software
The FTP client software is just like every other software application on your computer. It’s installed in the same way, easy to configure, and has a user-friendly graphic interface. The purpose of...
SSH (Secure Shell) is a standard protocol that provides encrypted data transmission over a network. To use SSH you need an SSH client that can communicate with SSH servers. The protocol has two key...
FTP is an old protocol that isn’t designed for secure data transfer and is very vulnerable to attacks. For that reason, other, “safe” versions of the protocol are eventually created, along with new...
In order to access any website or embed a valid link you always have to write HTTP:// in front of the website’s address. Browsers and applications generate this part automatically to simplify the...
DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a protocol that determines and assigns IP addresses for devices on a network. A DHCP server can recognize a device and assign it an IP address...
URL which is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator is used to navigate to any file, page, graphic, document or a program that’s accessible on the World Wide Web. The URL itself consist of a...
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